The enthusiasm for technology and innovation is not limited to the team members of KA-RaceIng; our motivated partners play a pivotal role in the concept, design and construction processes. We spend endless hours behind a laptop or in the garage alongside university-related responsibilities. Our weekends are spent testing the cars or at competitions. The quest for new ideas and solutions are paramount to improving performance. With the support of our partners, may it be financial or know-how, nothing is impossible. At KA-RaceIng we live by our motto: engineered excitement!

How are we organised at KA-RaceIng?

Our team is organised in different departments ("subteams") according to the individual assemblies. Each team member is responsible for a component or task as part of his or her subteam. The subteam leader takes care of the organisation of work within the respective department and ensures communication between them within the association. The Assembly consists of the subteam leaders as well as the club board and meets several times a week to discuss and vote on all cross-team decisions. The board, consisting of one technical manager per vehicle and the persons responsible for organisation and finances, is responsible for the association and vehicle management. To support the active team in difficult or big decisions, the alumni council, which consists of motivated former KA racers, serves as a support.
Where do we work at KA-RaceIng?
KA-RaceIng is located at the East Campus of KIT. Among other things, our office is located here, where the whole team can work together on our vehicles. In order to manufacture our own components, assemble the entire vehicle and then adjust and service it, we also have our garages, containers and test area here.